Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Visitors from Down Under

I just found out that my Aunty Jo from Australia is travelling to SoCal in May. I can not wait to see her. I haven't seen her for so long and am looking forward to catching up with her when she comes. I have so many great memories growing up with her, Uncle Rocky, Travis & Tate. As you all know, I really hate living so far away from my family so I am going to take advantage of being able to spend this time with her. Oh Boy we are going to have so much fun while she is here!!!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Happy Easter Everyone!!!! I hope everyone is having a great morning. Nathan and I plan on spending Easter Brunch at Grandpa and Grandma's house this year. My Mom and Brock will also be there to celebrate with us. It should be a nice time. Unfortunately I since I have a final due tomorrow, in addition to my team and individual assignment, I will be bringing my homework with me. Poop!!!! But it will be nice to spend some time with my family.
We handed in our keys to the Camden apartment on Wednesday. Which means we have finally had some time to get organized in our new apartment. Moving suxs. I give Nathan so much credit. He is just so amazing. He seriously was like superman. Never stopping. He worked through root canals, teeth pulling, and with no sleep. And he never complained once. I could not have done it without him. Love you Babe!
I finally got to watch some of my shows yesterday morning while Nathan and Matthew were still sleeping. As a courtesy, I don't watch some shows when they are in the room. Dancing with the Stars is going to be great this season. I'm so excited. My girl Nicole....Awesome!!!! I felt sorry for Shannon. Even though she wasn't one of the best contestants, I don't think she deserved to go home. I had so many hopes for her. I guess I still see her as little Brenda Walsh. Plus, I still think that her being voted off may have had something to do with her partner's injury. I don't know. Then there was Kate. For some reason I wanted her to do good. And then she started to dance. I have never really understood the phrase "it was painful to watch" until that moment. I literally had to look away from the T.V. She was awful. Poor think look so scared, and was so stiff. Can't wait till next week. (I told you I was excited!)
So that is what is going on with me and my life. I have to get through the next two days and finish this income tax class. I then will only have four more classes until graduation. Four more classes!!!