Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Going Home

We received some bad news a couple of weeks ago about Lami's health. Although I wanted to jump on a plane right away and go home to be with her, my family & I decided to wait until we had more information. The news brought back some unhappy memories of when Papa was sick. Not to mention, we marked Papa's 1 year since he passed away on the 24th. March is turning out to be not a very good month for the Nishimura's.
Anyway, I've decided to fly home at the end of this month to spend some time with Lami. I really wish I was living closer, especially during times like this. I'm trying not to get too emotional about her situation and she keeps telling everyone not to worry about her, but how can we not? Lami has done so much for the family and I want to make sure that she knows how much we love her and want to be there for her. She seems so strong & told me that she is going to fight and win this battle. And I know I have to be strong for her too. I pray every day for God to give me the strength, to give Lami the strength to get through this little bump in the road.

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