Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Kitty Playground Part 1

I secretly stole a picture of the kitty playground that Nathan and my Grandpa are building. Nathan didn't want me to show anyone until it was complete, but I'm excited to show you all what we have so far. They still need to do a bit more work to it, such as carpet it, but I think it looks really good. I know that Gea & Que will have a ball chasing each other around it. Nani....well I hope she doesn't break it.
Anyway...I'll post another pic once it's complete.
Until then.....Princess J

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Happy Birthday Mum!!!

Just want to send Mum a Happy Birthday wish!! I love you!!!!!
Your Daughter

Friday, August 14, 2009

Being a Landlord is Harder than I Thought...

While I've been living in Southern California, I've been renting my condo in Hawaii through a property management company. Since the end of last month, I have decided to take on the task of being a landlord myself. Boy, there is a lot more to being a landlord than I thought. It didn't help that my last tenants left the apartment in a mess. The a/c didn't work, and it's only a year old. Locks needed to be changed. But I do have to say that I could not have done it without Kelley and the most amazing new tenant. Thank you both so much!!!
But the drama continues.... We've got the plumber coming to the apartment today because my tenant said the bathroom wall between the toilet & shower is "mushy". When I asked how mushy, she said that she could probably stick her finger through it. Shit!!!!!! So I pulled out my homeowners insurance package to see if I'm covered for stuff like that, which I am. But the thing we will find out today is if the leak is coming from my apartment, or from above. If it is coming from above, then the association will be responsible.
I am trying not to stress, but you know me. I guess I'll just have to wait & see.
I'll keep you all posted...
Princess J.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Other Love of My Life

Ooopps...I almost forgot the most important love of my life!!

The Love's of My Life

I just wanted to share with everyone a couple of reasons why my life is so blessed....

My First Blog

Hey All
Well, here we first official blog. Don't really know where to start, so here's a little information about me. I just turned 30 a couple of months ago. I live in Fullerton, California with Nathan (the most awesomeist boyfriend ever), and my three babies, Nani, Gea, & Que (No I haven't reached that part of my life yet, my babies are my kitties). I am currently working at Mobile Line Communications, a job which I love, especially the people I work with. And I am trying to get my degree in Accounting at the University of Phoenix. My hobbies are cross-stitching & stamping. Oh...& I have the most amazing family every, diverse and expanded, but amazing. I am lucky enough to have a great, loving dad, three mothers, and multiple step-brothers and sisters. I have also been blessed with many friends who have supported me throughout my life.
So that's where I am in my life at the moment. There is a lot more to tell you, but that will come in the future blogs.
To all my family & friends reading, know that I love you with all my heart!!!
Till the next blog....
Princess Jas